qtVlm is a navigation software for Sailing Boats. The application has a free version with basic features and a full version available through in-app purchase.
The free version of qtVlm is a full grib viewer displaying all types of gribs and is providing many advanced grib functions. It supports basics charts and some simple instruments. It includes also an Anchor Alarm module, a viewer for shapefiles, for instance those coming from SHOM, and can be configured to receive boat position either from internal GPS or from an external NMEA source connected through TCP, UDP or GPSD.
The full version (49.99€ or equivalent in your currency) adds many functions and features:
- Weather routing and route modules,
- A complete set of navigation Instruments,
- Charts modules for Raster charts, Vector charts (S57 and S63) and mbtiles. Charts from Visit My Harbour are also supported.
- Support for Harmonic files (tides and currents),
- Iridium GO! communication,
- AIS module,
- Start line mode,
- Access to Great Circle gribs,
qtVlm can also be used in Simulation Mode, which allows you to simulate a navigation through our server.
Once activated the full version will be available on all your Android devices.